DSCF1246We are not too far off of a couple dates for spring. However, a calendar date is just that a date on calendar, not a change in the weather. March 1 is the beginning of meteorological spring. March 20 is the beginning of astronomical spring. But when is the date for spring weather to come? That one we do not know.

Springtime seems like it cannot come soon enough. We have been trapped inside by the snow and wind. I think that we are going to have to be patient as it looks like it is going to be cold for a little while longer.

Once spring does arrive, it will be time to get back grass, plants, and warmer weather. With that in mind, it is never too early to start to think about what needs to be done with your landscape. Planning ahead can help if you have some maintenance needs, or are planning on something new for you lawn. Either way, warmer weather will eventually come.

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